The Dream of Flying

Vienna Airport celebrated its 70th birthday on 1 January 2024. To mark the occasion, the airport invited eight internationally renowned photographers, under the artistic direction of award-winning publisher and photographer Lois Lammerhuber and in collaboration with author Thomas Brezina, to accompany, observe and honour the life of this very special place for 24 hours: from the hustle and bustle on the airport apron and the runways to emotional farewells and welcomes in the terminal to quiet moments and everyday work.

The photo book is supplemented by an extensive chronology accompanying the book, which documents the 70-year history of Vienna Airport.

The Dream of Flying
Published by Flughafen Wien
Thomas Brezina
Lois Lammerhuber

Ana María Arévalo Gosen
Hans-Jürgen Burkard
Heinz Stephan Tesarek
Jérôme Gence
Martina Draper
Nadia Ferroukhi
Ulla Lohmann

27 × 27 cm
192 pages
171 photos
English. German version also available.
Hardcover, bound in linen,
„French Fold“-jacket
ISBN 978-3-903462-13-7
December 2024

inkl. 10% Mwst, exkl. Lieferung
Kostenloser Versand in Deutschland und Österreich

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-903462-13-7-en Kategorien: , , Schlagwörter: , , , ,


  • Ana María Arévalo Gosen

    Ana María Arévalo Gosen * 1988 in Venezuela, hat sich mit ihrem Langzeitprojekt Días Eternos einen Namen im Fotojournalismus gemacht. [...] mehr

  • Hans-Jürgen Burkard

    Hans-Jürgen Burkard studierte Visuelle Kommunikation. Seit Ende der 1970er Jahre arbeitete er ausschließlich für GEO und wechselte 1989 für den [...] mehr

  • Heinz Stephan Tesarek

    Heinz Stephan Tesarek * 1976 in Österreich, berichtet über soziale und politische Themen aus über 50 Ländern. Veröffentlichungen: Der Spiegel, [...] mehr

  • Jerome Gence

    Jerome Gence bewegt sich am Puls unserer Zeit, er spürt den digitalen Trends nach und versteht es, auf unvergleichliche Weise [...] mehr

  • Lois Lammerhuber

    Lois Lammerhuber ist Fotograf und Verleger. Er hat mehr als 1000 Reportagen erarbeitet, davon rund 250 für die Zeitschrift GEO. [...] mehr

  • Martina Draper

    Martina Draper * 1974 in Österreich, steht für Corporate Porträt- und Reportagefotografie. Kunden: Generali Versicherung, Wiener Symphoniker, Johann Strauss, BDO [...] mehr

  • Nadia Ferroukhi

    Nadia Ferroukhi * 1970 in Algerien, berichtet seit 2005 über matrilineare Gesellschaften mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den Status der Frauen. [...] mehr

  • Thomas Brezina

    Thomas Brezina * 1963 in Österreich, ist nicht nur für seine mehr als 600 Kinderbücher bekannt, die in 35 Sprachen [...] mehr

  • Ulla Lohmann

    Ulla Lohmann * 1977 in Deutschland, ist Fotojournalistin und Dokumentarfilmerin und war als erste Frau 600 Meter tief in einem [...] mehr


The Dream of Flying shows what extraordinary achievements people are capable of, driven by zest for action and curiosity. Pioneers never took setbacks for a defeat but for steps on the path to reaching their goals. Perseverance was their strength. The Dream of Flying is proof to the power of faith in what’s possible. Every start, every flight, every landing reminds us of that. Austria has a history of aviation: airships and early motor-powered aircraft like the Etrich Taube, built in the early 20th century in Fischamend – near today’s airport site – count among the world best of their kind. The “Royal Airforce Base”, transferred to Austria in 1954, was the beginning for the Vienna Airport. Today around 80 airlines fly out to more than 200 destinations in 70 countries all over the world.

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” From the TV documentary I, Leonardo da Vinci, 1965

News zum Buch


The Dream of Flying shows what extraordinary achievements people are capable of, driven by zest for action and curiosity. Pioneers never took setbacks for a defeat but for steps on the path to reaching their goals. Perseverance was their strength. The Dream of Flying is proof to the power of faith in what’s possible. Every start, every flight, every landing reminds us of that. Austria has a history of aviation: airships and early motor-powered aircraft like the Etrich Taube, built in the early 20th century in Fischamend – near today’s airport site – count among the world best of their kind. The “Royal Airforce Base”, transferred to Austria in 1954, was the beginning for the Vienna Airport. Today around 80 airlines fly out to more than 200 destinations in 70 countries all over the world.

“When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” From the TV documentary I, Leonardo da Vinci, 1965

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht2 kg / 4.41 lbs

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