CMS (the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment) is a scientific apparatus five stories high and 25 m in length, which measures the sub-atomic fragments of the Large Hadron Collider’s (LHC) collisions at CERN to unravel the laws of nature in its tiniest components. In this sense, CMS and LHC form the largest and strongest microscope on earth ever created by man. Michael Hoch takes advantage of his privileged position as scientist and artist ‘at the heart of the experiment’ to get as close to the essence and aesthetics of this machine as only someone with this dual approach can. The Art of Science is also a tribute to the 10.000+ men and women – technicians, scientists and engineers – who made this modern marvel possible. An extraordinary visual document, with specialist texts by four of Michael Hoch’s colleagues and a foreword by François Englert, 2013 Nobel Laureate in Physics and co-discoverer of the Higgs boson.