Take seven biosphere reserves, regional recipes with natural regional products, a pinch of rather uncommon herbs and spices, have it mixed and prepared by young, ambitious soon-to-be cooks of a vocational school, presented in the proper light by a renowned photographer and commented by expert biologists, and finally served on fine art paper and 96 pages as the world’s first biosphere cookery book full of delicious recipes from Nature Herself.
On the occasion of the „International Year of Biodiversity“ 2010, pupils from the Wienerwald and Großes Walsertal biosphere reserves and their immediate surroundings were meant to document biodiversity by the use of culinary herbs and spices. To honour the success of the campaign, the national committee of the UNESCO „Man and Biosphere (MAB)” research programme decided to publish a cookery book relating to Austria’s biosphere reserves. Regional recipes and concise information on habitats, plants and people are interlinked such as to show why biodiversity is one of the big subjects of the future and why it involves the quality of our living.
According to the MAB maxim that biosphere reserves are model regions for sustainable development, the editors cooperated with the Waldegg vocational school. The top cooks of the Waldegg School chose and refined the dishes from the many recipes received within the scope of the mentioned campaign and from family and local inn recipes, and instructed and supervised the pupils while they did the final cooking.