

Book presentation and not one but two exhibitions opening: one, indoors, at the European Committtee of the Regions, and one in Rue Wirtz up to the entrance of the European Parliament.

In der Rue Wiertz hängen am Zaun des alt ehrwürdigen Parc Léopold 45 Metall-Platten mit den lebensgroßen Portraits.

The book was praised by Committee President Karl-Heinz Lambertz, and presented by author and photographer Stefan Enders, who created the book, and by Lois Lammerhuber. THANK YOU, Ilse Penders-Stadlmann and Marina Chrystoph, for holding up the Lower Austrian flag as representatives of provincial governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner – and THANK YOU, Matthieu Hornung and Alexandra Pfohl! And a big show of hands for Stefan ENDERS!

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