
Commendation for the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo at MAECENAS Lower Austria

On 20 November 2018, the gala of the 18th MAECENAS Lower Austria sponsoring awards was held at Thalheim Castle. The Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo received a commendation in the category Art & Culture.

The Lower-Austrian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Initiativen Wirtschaft für Kunst (Austrian Business Committee for the Arts) and supported by ecoplus – The Business Agency of Lower Austria, presented the MAECENAS Niederösterreich awards which recognize Lower-Austrian culture sponsoring.

The Special Award Art & Culture commends providers of culture for their successful commitment in cooperating with the business community. 233 public and private Lower-Austrian providers of culture, individuals, associations and foundations applied for the MAECENAS Lower Austria. /

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